You know what it’s like: it’s 2am, the house is in darkness, you’ve already tripped over the perspex coffee table (oh yes, this has happened to me many times, they really are invisible in darkness) on the way to the baby and you’re about to get a shooting, labour-like pain up your leg from the little piece of lego (the devil’s own booby-traps) left in the hallway and this is all before the real fun of a night time nappy change and feed has commenced!!
Prior to having Casper I massively underestimated the importance of a gentle, mellow glow coming from a cute shaped object – now, our toadstool has become my saviour! The importance of this one piece of electrical equipment in your child’s room is not to be taken lightly…
- It will be needed to ensure all poo has been removed from little bums.
- To stumble for the dummy when its fallen onto the abyss-like-floor.
- To ensure you’ve measured the right amount of Calpol.
- As well as, and of course, the most important, keeping your little one safe in the knowledge that you haven’t just left them on a cold, dark rooftop a la the Spartans, but they are in fact safely nestled in their dimly lit nest of a nursery (or in our case, mummy and daddy’s bedroom!).
So without further ado, my top picks for making your nighttime antics a little easier on the eye…
First up is a house-hold legend (at least in our house and most of Holland) – Mr Maria’s Miffy lamp comes in two sizes: small (not so small) and XL, pretty much life size to a wee person -but I’m of the belief – go big or go home!! The Miffy lamp also comes with a dimmer switch, so perfect for bedtime stories and larger scale night-light events, such as a full bed sheet change; then turn the bunny brightness down for a chilled sleep time ambiance.
Next, as mentioned above, our toadstool lamp has come to my rescue for the past 4 months – I’d probably struggle to sleep without it’s reddish glow in our room! I was lucky enough to find this fun-guy (hehe) at a carboot, so whilst the red wouldn’t have been my first choice I couldn’t really turn it down for £2! If I had my way, it would be the black or even the gold version of the same ‘shroom. I love the slightly whimsical, fairy-like vibe and the light it gives off is perfect for changes etc, we throw a light-weight jersey blanket over the top when we go to sleep (it doesn’t get warm!!) as it can be a tad bright.
Perhaps slightly unconventional for a night light per se, but this little light box is not only perfect for giving that needed radiance you could also give yourself a night-time motivational message! Come 3:17am nothing beats being told: “Your’re Doing Great #Mama ♥” by your child’s light!

Light Box by A Lovely Little Company. Pic Credit katja_adores
Nothing says “Rock’n’Roll” baby more than a bit of Vegas lighting! This super STAR light from Fromage La Rue is spot on for keep the nursery twinkling in the wee-small hours.
Last pick – I can’t be the only person to think these glowing little orbs are kinda magic! I love how tactile this lamp is – although, in my house I’m pretty sure we’d loose a ball or two in no time!
Hopefully my little round up has en-lightened you (ooo, the jokes are just too good with this theme!)!