Anyone that’s been following along on my instagram would’ve undoubtedly heard me referring to our never-ending building works and the elusive extension – which, of course, will offer the answers to all our spacial problems, child tantrums and teenage angst – right?! Well, maybe not the latter two, but we’re certainly hoping the first issue might be solved. But me, being me, the moment the architect had made his first visit I already had a dozen Pinterest boards dedicated to the cause – bathroom taps, kids rooms and rugs – all with a common theme, black and white. I’ve often mused about the wonders of a monochrome house; when there’s enough chaos under one roof with 5 boys, two adults and two dogs – adding colour to the mix would be like raving it up in a life-size bag of skittles while everyone gets high on candy-floss.
Other than the endless planning and pinning, my other joy has come in the form of slowly and meticulously scouring, purchasing and squirreling new wonders for our “new home”. This method of gradually acquiring items a has multi-faceted benefits: when all the works are (finally) complete I’m not left facing one season’s collection of interiors goodies from which to chose my treasures; it spreads the cost and, most importantly, Mr Only Girl doesn’t seem to notice quite how much new shiz I’m buying whilst he moans “we need to clear out our lives!”.
I’ll admit, until now rugs have been a huge no-no in our house – partly due to my irresponsibility; this harks back to approx 2.37am, March 2nd 2008 when I spilt a whole bottle of Calpol over a rather expensive rug in my haste to just getting the teething sprog to sleep. Also down to the fact our lovely duchess of an old, blind and deaf pug, Portia, has always struggled to differentiate a rug or carpet from the lawn! But, I’ve consoled myself with the fact that I’m now a dab hand at the mum thing and we’ve sectioned off “safe spaces” for Portia sans carpet. I’m now grown-up enough to lay down some monochrome loveliness on our floors, cue My Rug Store’s endless selection of pretty fab rugs, runners and carpets.
My criteria, with the boys and dogs, was it had to be hard wearing; and my criteria – stylishly black and white. So, after much deliberation, I settled on The Belle (#4) – a 100% wool, flat woven monochrome beaut which will give my new floors a touch of flare, asides to just the usual trail of muddy feet and paw prints! We’ll be popping this one into our lounge (a dog and shoe free zone – here’s hoping!), to give the wooden floors a bit of a warmth and add texture/pattern into an otherwise pretty simple space.
But, I couldn’t help but slip into that “ideal world” of mine for just a few minutes, whilst I perused the My Rug Store site, and found these absolutely amazing rugs. Maybe I could convince Mr Only Girl that our bedroom needs a bit more pile and that I’m responsible enough for one of these gorgeous rugs…

Left: Benni Shaggy Rug Centre: Serengeti Ivory/Black Right: Royal Nomad Grey Rug
As you can imagine, my brain’s gone into overload with all the loveliness the www has to offer in terms of family friendly (and not so friendly, but just plain gorgeous must-have-ness) interiors – so I’ll be keeping this section of the blog crammed with all the info I find.
*A huge thanks to My Rug Store for giving me the Belle Rug in exchange for this blog post – as ever, whilst they may have paved the way for this review, all comments, craziness and opinions are my own!
Lovely rug! and I love your blog! Added to my list of favourites!
Love the rug! #offtorugstorewebsite
Thanks lovely x