As a mum, sometimes it would be nice to have an easy life, to not have to engage our sleep deprived brains too much when making important decisions – which is exactly why I love monochrome. It makes interiors shopping, styling and living just that much easier with the simple rule – black, white with an odd splash of grey.
In the same vein, it would be lovely to have the boys of this house agree on something, or just agree with me on ANYTHING. We seem to spend our days debating the finer details of… dinner, activities, tv channel or even toothpaste flavour. But I’ve cracked it, they all seem to like the idea of monochrome bedrooms. I’m not sure if this is down to a lot of subliminal messaging coming from my direction or whether they’ve secretly been stalking Pinterest in their spare time, but either way – I’m not about to argue.
Unfortunately, the answer to life in general is not “monochrome” but I certainly think it holds the key to family bliss when it comes to decorating the kids’ rooms.
Thankfully you don’t have to head far for a bit of interiors inspiration – my Instagram feed is chockablock with beautifully styled monochrome perfection – or you could even find my archive blog posts on the subject right here and here. But with our impending extension and house re-design, recently I’ve found myself perusing the pages of a rather new site, offering my daily fix of interiors fabness – Homify. It helps that they’ve separated the home into rooms to flick through, including nursery ideas, so it’s quite easy to lose a few kid-free hours of an evening re-designing the whole house via Homify (lottery win is needed now more than ever!).
The great thing about monochrome versus a pastel palette or primary shock-horror is that with a few well bought pieces (wait for next week’s post for the “shopping list” to get the look) you shouldn’t need to do much re-designing between toddler – teen. Mr Only Girl’s wallet breathes a sigh of relief!

Pic Credits, top left: The Little Design Corner; Top right, Whistle & Flute. All other images have been found on Pinterest & Homify.
It’s fair to say I could wax lyrical all day about the fab-ness of a black and white kids room, so next week I’ll be posting the “shopping list” for how to get the look.
This post has been in collaboration with Homify and their fab pool of over 800,000 inspirational home images.