It might be a beautiful picture of my cherub, I’ve captured a darling moment and captioned it with squishy, vaguely comical, words – but there’ll always be a couple of beady-eyed, interiors magpies commenting: “Random question, but where did you get your [insert monochrome home-ware of choice] from?”. Truth be told, I’ve done the same a thousand times over – sod that kid picking his nose front of frame, tell me where I can get THAT cushion!!! So, whilst a vast amount of the shiz filling up my home was salvaged from a car boot sale or eBay, here’s my most asked about home wares from our monochrome family home that you can actually get your hands on, plus some I’d love to throw into the mix!

Margot the Jack Russell is not available to buy! Get the look: Basket, Warhol Print, Rattan Chair & Sheepskin.
Stendig Calendar
I felt I was really late to the Stendig Wall Calendar party, but luckily for my self-confidence, it seems there’s still people out there who haven’t pinned the life out of every Scandi-style home featuring this over-sized, black and white calendar. Every year, around September time retailers get their stash of the following year’s Stendig Calendars – that’s your cue to haul arse and nab one before they sell out!
I’d coveted the Stendig for so long, that when we were planning our extension, I knew exactly which wall it would go on, before it was even built!

Get the look: Stendig Wall Calendar available from approx September, Black Candle Stick, Vase & candles from TK Maxx.
It can be a case of shopping around, if you have the time, as shipping can vary from free up to about £15 – but the standard price for the calendar itself is about £65. I got mine online from Cissy Wears – a conceptual haven for style craving mamas, founded by Nicola, a mum of 4 with a swoon-worthy instagram feed (warning – you will get sucked in to both the online store and instagram!).
Black & White Rug
Again, before our extension/house renovations had even begun I picked this rug out! I simply had to have it – it was black and white and bloody hard wearing. In fact, I love it so much, I wrote a WHOLE BLOG on it!!
After six months of battering in our “finished” home, I can still say it’s standing the test of time. It’s been in our kitchen sofa area, which doubles as a thoroughfare for filthy, dirt laden boys coming in from the garden – quite often wearing their football boots! It’s still looking fab! Check out My Rug Store for this beaut from £149.

Get the look: Black and White Rug, Rattan Chair, Sheepskin and smelly trainers are priceless!
Warhol Quote Print
I’m starting to feel like a broken record, but again, my Warhol black and white quote print was something I’d pinned (over on Pinterest) again and again and again way before our house was designed! The epitome of monochrome, scandi cool – I wanted in on this, perhaps over-done, but still pretty cool club!
Available from John Lewis right HERE!
Yes It’s Real
I get asked a lot if my pretty impressive prickly friend, who resides in my kitchen area. We’ve had him about 2 years and whilst he hasn’t really grown much in this time, he hasn’t died either – so every cloud! We bought/rescued him from Ikea and he now inhabits a Bloomingville ball basket – handy tip though, we have ours in a white painted basket – DON’T DO IT! I’m forever wiping up chippings of white paint that flake off with the basket’s every movement! Go for the natural one if you don’t want to give yourself extra work! Get it NEXT DAY BABY right HERE!
So, that’s all the bits I’ve already got, what about the bits I’m coveting? I recently mentioned I’m a Wayfair Home Expert this year (yes, they’ve considered me an expert!), so I’ve spent a bit of time trawling their site spending all that money I don’t have! Needless to say, I’ve accumulated a bit of a wishlist! Here’s my current, scandi-style, family home picks that I’m hoping they’ll take pity and chuck my broke-ass way!
NOTE: This post was not sponsored, although may contain affiliate links, but these are all things that have genuinely made my home a slightly more stylish place. Whilst I was gifted the rug, I already paid my dues with that one in the aforementioned sponsored post – this is just for the love of rug!!!
Great post lovely, so in love with your style x