Ok, so there will undoubtedly be some of you who have beaten me to it + found your lovely offerings, to pop through friends + family’s letterboxes, spreading merriment + good cheer. BUT, for those of you who have yet to get into full Christmas mode (it is only the 3rd day of December!), I’ve put together some of the most fabulous cards out there this festive period.
There are some real crackers (excuse the pun, I really couldn’t help just the one), my faves being of a typographical genre…

Images from: Clouds & Currents, John Lewis + Something New Stationary.
- These were a lovely find on Etsy + my final pick. There’s the bonus that they’re UK based, meaning they arrived in super speedy time! They are not only lovely to look at, but have a superior feel to the stock used.
- The uber cool Peace on Earth cards are from John Lewis, I love the slightly retro vibe with the white + gold simplicity.
- Another super little UK Etsy seller is creating these eu naturel looking cards to add a Scandi feel to your Christmas.
Never ones to disappoint come the festive period – M&S, whether it’s their beyond scrumptious mini party food, their mouth-watering tv ads or their Christmas cards…

Super selection of Christmas Cards from M&S
- I’ve picked my favourite 3 from this selection pack of 24 with 4 designs, £5 + part of their 3 for 2 offer! I love the tres Kate Spade-ness of the monochrome stripped card!
- These wonderful silvery jewels come in an 8 pack for £5 + are currently part of their 3 for 2 offer! Bargain for some sparkly Christmas joy!
So get spreading some Bing Crosby singing, fairy light twinkling, mince pie smelling Christmas joy!
Author: Jess Warner, The Only Girl in the House.