It’s crazy to think that it was a year ago I first wrote a review for Start-rite shoes – in that time our Rhino Warriors (that’s the shoes not the kids) were seriously put through the ringer and still made it out in bloomin’ amazing condition. We loved their Rhinos so much, that when the little gits’ feet decided to grow (it’s somewhat irritating that kids’ feet do that when there’s so much life left in their shoes) I bought them exactly the same again!

Get the look: 2x Herberts, 1x cheeky monkey, Start-Rite Aqua Warrior School Shoes, Micro Scooter Classic Scooter and Micro Mini Scooter.
What’s also crazy, is that my two oldest rat-bags will be heading into year 5 and 6 this year, which only means their school shoes are going to go through the footwear equivalent of Royal Marine Commando training every morning and afternoon as the boys insist on walking, jogging, skate-boarding, scooting or biking their way to school by themselves; usually via a muddy slope, giant puddle or skate park. So, I’ve opted for the Start-rite Aqua Warrior school shoes, because if they insist that mum picking them up from school is the about as cool as Timmy Mallet, even when it’s tipping it down, they’re going to need waterproof shoes to get them home without trench foot!
Why I chose the Start-rite Aqua Warrior School Shoes
They’re scuff resistant, so even after Hugo & Bruno try their best to look like a Horrid Henry cast members – their shoes will still be shiny! Sorry boys!
Although they’ve been able to tie shoe-laces for over 5 years, it’s still not a quick affair and I’ve seen how quickly they want to rip their shoes off when they come in to be reunited with their Xbox – so, rip-tape fastening means no fiddly bits.
They’re waterproof leather shoes.
They come in larger sizes, unlike lots of school shoes – so I can still get these in 5.5 for the boys. (Don’t let Hugo know I told everyone he has the same size feet as his little brother!)
They have breathable linings and removable insoles – meaning even the stinkiest of boy feet can’t make these beauties smelly!
Start-rite kindly sent us our Aqua Warrior School shoes in exchange for this review – but my love, opinions and comments about these school shoes are all my own!