There are certain things, as a mum of boys, that I had little interest in/didn’t have a clue about just over 10 years ago – oh, how my world has changed. I now have a wealth of knowledge on the latest football boots, how to acquire FIFA points and the epic saga that is – Star Wars. There seems to be an intrinsic link between Star Wars and boys – as though the love of lightsabers, the dark side and Jedi aspirations are woven into their DNA*. But there’s varying degrees of the force – some kiddos prefer to watch, admire and perhaps don a Darth Vader costume come Halloween, whilst others go all-out and opt for a full-on Millennium Falcon bedroom theme.
*This is a mama proven theory, not yet scientifically researched/published.
Never was there quite so much excitement in my house as when the boys discovered the collaboration of two of their super-players: The Danish icon who, over the years, has saved many a last-minute birthday present disaster and afforded me copious cups of tea – LEGO and the films that filled rainy Sunday afternoons – Star Wars. Admittedly, the boys (then aged 4 & 5) who decided to tackle the Clone Turbo Tank, left a trail of Lego bits that I’m still hoovering up many years later, but the joy, hours of concentration (me not the kids!) and the sibling fights over who got to stick the wheels on, are memories that Star Wars Lego has given us forever.
My go-to, maximum impact, lazy mum presents, come Christmas and birthdays (which flow in abundance around our way at this time of year) are Star Wars related paraphernalia – and that now means I have a legitimate reason to spend hours on the John Lewis website. Here’s our top picks this Christmas for the 8 & 9 year old…

1. Star Wars Interactive Stormtrooper 2. BulbBotz Storm Trooper Alarm Clock 3. Sphero App-Enabled Force Band 4. BB8 Remote Control Toy 5. Spin-Action Light Sabre 6. Star Wars Backpack
This post is in collaboration with the fab folks from John Lewis for the launch of Stars Wars at John Lewis: From costumes to collectibles, Lego to Lightsabers, the force is strong over at John Lewis.